Pilates by Debi is a small boutique Pilates Studio located in Newport Beach, CA. Specializing in private and duo Pilates Reformer sessions.
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I have been teaching Pilates for over 11 years and hold certificates through Balanced Body and the National Pilates Certification Program (NPCP), the only nationally recognized Pilates certification program. To maintain this advanced credential, I complete continuing education courses every two years, allowing me to consistently grow as both an instructor and an individual.
Over the past two years, inspired by some of my clients and my continuing education, I have dedicated myself to studying and learning how Pilates can support individuals with neurological conditions. I completed the course Pilates For Neurological Conditions through The Neuro Studio and joined their global network of instructors. This work has become a true passion of mine and an area of expertise that I truly love.
Additionally, I have extensive expertise working with clients who are athletes, pre/postnatal, and pre/post surgery. I firmly and passionately believe that Pilates is for every BODY.
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